PROJECT NEED The problem we want to solve has three parts: The students at Foshay see a lot of homeless people in and around their community, but they don’t know how to help; Foshay students create many community service projects but there is no formal way of recognizing them; finally, Foshay Learning Center is in real need of beautification.
So here is our project with its multiple parts: Have a school-wide campaign to create "Foshay Cares Kits" to distribute to the homeless; encourage the freshman class of 2020 to create their own smaller community service projects; celebrate those projects and the life of Lance Corporal Carlos Segovia Lopez with a painted tile wall mural.
This aligns with our impact area of Civic Engagement because it allows students to have a demonstrated effect on three areas : creating a feeling of community for 9th grade students; a way to help the homeless; and campus beautification. In addition, we will be working with a homeless outreach program called LA on Cloud 9. This organization delivers supplies to homeless people living on the street. Foshay has a special connection to LA on Cloud 9 because one of our former students was highly involved with them. This student, Lance Corporal Carlos Segovia, was one of our finest graduates and lost his life at the age of 19. This had an extremely strong impact on our student body and giving to LA on Cloud 9 is another way of honoring Carlos Segovia who had a tremendous commitment to community service and to the homeless population in particular.
The research we did is as follows: Students in the 9th grade Humanities classes made lists of the biggest problems in their communities- Out of one hundred and eleven students surveyed the top two concerns were homelessness and violence. The students also listed questions about their top issues and the two main questions that came up about homelessness were “What are the best ways to help homeless people?” and “Is it ok to give homeless people money?” We also talked to the leadership class at Foshay and they said that the biggest concern that they had was campus beautification. In addition, on the school experience survey Foshay’s lowest score was on campus cleanliness.
We found that there are seven homeless shelters in our general area, but most of them are downtown Los Angeles and there are not enough beds for everyone. Also, most homeless shelters do not allow animals and are only open in the evenings.
Our project has several phases:
December 5-January 1- Finish website
January 9th-13th with a school-wide collection of hygiene packets for the homeless. Each 3rd period class will be challenged to collect the most packets for the homeless (each packet should contain the following: socks, travel sizes of Shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, tooth brush, baby wipes, hand-sanitizer. We are also encouraging students to donate feminine hygiene products).
January 9-13 Big media blitz- posters, announcements via social media, students sign pledges during lunch and nutrition, daily announcements via the intercom, .competition between classes to see which 3rd period will get the most packets.
January 16-20- In honor of Martin Luther King Day we will hold a packing party where we will pack all of the donated items. – Document and take pictures, post on social media
Friday January 20th we will deliver the hygiene kits to LA on Cloud 9. Take pictures and Document on social media, update website
Monday, January 23- Announce period 3 classes who had the highest contributions and the total number of hygiene packets made. Update website and social media
Week of January 23rd- Make thank you posters for the community stating how many hygiene kits we made.
Phase 2- Celebrate Community Service and Campus Beautification.
January 13- February 15- 9th grade Humanities students do community service projects as part of their class.
January 20- March 30- GBLA group get supplies for tile wall. Tiles, paint, grout, Send out a letter home asking for parent volunteers who know how to cut tile.
Plan with Bag of Vagabonds and Dear Future- an artists collective and arts non-profit dedicated to bringing art into the schools
April 20-27 9th grade students make tiles representing their community service projects- Coordinated through Humanities classes.
May 1-30 Put up tile wall Document and update website Invite people to the inauguration of the wall- Carlos Segovia’s family, district personnel, LA’s promise,
June 2- Inauguration of the tile wall Document and update website
Short term benefits ·50 kits for homeless people ·600 or more students who donate at least one item to the homeless ·1800 students educated about homelessness in Los Angeles ·1 beautiful mural shaped like Angel Wings Long Term benefits
·A sense of efficacy for students in assisting the homeless ·An increased awareness of LA on Cloud 9 and organizations that assist the homeless and ways that students can be involved in helping the homeless ·More students involved in community service projects ·Increased pride in their school- both the attractiveness and the commitment to community service ·Creating a yearly tradition of a tile wall that celebrates each 9th grade class’ community service projects.
Budget Blank Bisque Tiles x 250 375.00
15 pints of glaze 300.00
Wood, glue, supplies 200.00
Food, incentives 175.00
Note: This Budget reflects half of the GBLA project Budget because the other half is going to Girls Who Code.
Below please find examples of things that are inspiring us- The tiles are an example of the way the tiles can be painted and the wings are similar to the way we want to arrange them on the wall. The idea is that the wings are life sized and then you can stand between them and take a picture to look like you have wings.